Second CUPID Annual Conference: Cancer Understanding Prevention in Intellectual Disabilities COST Action-21123 Registration link:

Second CUPID Annual Conference: Cancer Understanding Prevention in Intellectual Disabilities COST Action-21123 Registration link:
The CUPID Working Group 1-Interdisciplinary Co-Production Team is coordinating a Training School (TS) in Prague, which will combine in-person and virtual participation. The TS will include People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (PWIDD) and their support persons. The program features cancer prevention educational training alongside five virtual presentations tailored to a diverse audience. PDF REGISTER FOR VIRTUAL PRESENTATIONS All sessions…
Dedicated to research, collaboration, and capacity building in the area of cancer prevention for persons with specific needs (intellectual disabilities), the CUPID project acknowledges that providing information to affected individuals in an accessible way will enable them to receive the right medical information and empower them to make choices that can dramatically affect their health and quality of life. In…
Friday 3 May 2024 at 14:30-16:00 CEST Suzanne Denieffe and Margaret Denny – COST Action CA21123 CANCER- UNDERSTANDING PREVENTION IN INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES (CUPID) – Inequalities Network Meeting Presentation Agenda 14:30 – 14:40 Welcome to Network participants and Update on recent Network activities – Nicolò Battisti, Network Co-Chair and Mike Morrissey, Chief Executive 14:40 – 15:00 Presentation of Global cancer statistics…
Dear CUPID members, It is my honor and pleasure to invite you to the CUPID scientific webinar entitled: “Cancer prevention in persons with intellectual disabilities – European reality” which will be held on May 10th at 13:00 CET (poster attached). You can be free to invite your colleagues, friends, parents associations, etc. Firstly, please register on this Google form: It…
Download PDF The CUPID – COST action encourages Short Term Scientific Missions (STSMs). STSMs are research visits aimed at supporting individual mobility, strengthening existing networks and fostering collaboration between COST Action participants. A STSM should specifically contribute to the scientific objectives of the COST Action, whilst at the same time allowing those partaking in the missions to learn new techniques…